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Design Style

Design Philosophy

We work daily to stay true to the values of Dot’s founders, while simultaneously focusing on where we can add value and efficiency to the supply chain.

Our brand identity strikes the balance between our data-driven shared growth and a sincere, personal approach for all our partners.

This is what defines us at Dot.

Inclusive Design

We send the best message when we create communication and experiences that are relatable to all people.

When designing, put the people who are receiving the information at the forefront. Fresh, diverse perspectives make it work universally.

To be inclusive in our design, we need to keep in mind these three areas that could be barriers:

  1. Situational impairments
  2. Activity limitations
  3. Restrictions on participation

Design Style | Modern Authentic

We aim for a modern, clean, clear yet personal, approachable style when we communicate our brand.

Principles of Modern Authentic

Throughout the creative process, the following three principles should always be in the forefront of our approach.

Clear and concise communication

Take a less-is-more approach to both words and design. Focus on leaving room for the audience to digest and breathe when consuming information. Create well-defined calls to action.

Compelling for head and heart

Develop content that is convincing with facts and data, while demonstrating loyalty and commitment to bettering our partners and the communities we serve.

Empathetic over transactional

Walk in the shoes of the intended audience and strive to understand their experience at each step. Create opportunities for understanding, delight, and gratitude.

Visual Examples of Modern Authentic





Modern Authentic

Modern Authentic
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