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Brand Voice and Tone

Our brand can be described as personable and professional. Above all, we want our brand voice to be positive and inspiring. We are always respectful and uplifting, while being knowledgeable with the words we choose. Like the founders of Dot Foods—a family who saw great potential in each other and every customer whose lives they touched—we acknowledge that we do not succeed unless we succeed together.

We are the voice for positive change. We are not afraid to challenge the status quo and find new ways of looking at things.

Our Voice & Tone

The differences between voice and tone are clear in their purpose and use.


Editorial voice conveys personality and authority. It is consistent across a brand’s ecosystem of digital properties, marketing, and outbound communications.


Editorial tone conveys emotion or attitude. It can vary across different content types, business units, departments, sections, and subsites.

Dot Foods Brand Voice

Dot’s brand voice should be reflected in all communication channels, with varied tones based on content type. In both outbound and internal materials, words and phrases used in keeping with Dot Foods’ personality include:

Solid Midwestern values, work ethic, commitment

Empathetic and accessible

Keeps promises, professional, a company of integrity

Committed to innovation, user experience, and efficiencies

Solid Midwestern values, work ethic, commitment

Empathetic and accessible

Keeps promises, professional, a company of integrity

Committed to innovation, user experience, and efficiencies

Dot Foods Brand Tone

Brand tones for Dot Foods are based on the context and purpose of the content. By identifying qualities of tone and aligning them with the intent and context, Dot has a more focused lens through which copy can be strategized, written, and evolved.

Dot Visitors

Whether our visitors walk in the front door, attend Innovations, visit our website, or receive a personal email, the tone should be the same. 

  • More serious than funny. Friendly and conversational, while also professional and informative.
  • Respectful of customers’ time and attention. Not irreverent in any way.
  • More matter-of-fact than enthusiastic, but upbeat.

Product Information

The tone for product information should be tonally neutral, focusing more on clarity of information and allowing the brand’s personality to come through in photography or brand-supplied copy.

  • Serious, not funny. Not even light humor. 
  • Formal, but approachable. Informative and friendly. 
  • Respectful of our visitors’ time and attention and not irreverent in any way. Clear, informative, professional. 
  • Matter-of-fact, not enthusiastic.

Thought Leadership

Dot Foods’ thought leadership content should supply added value, offering up insights and trends that are relevant to Dot customers. 

  • More serious than funny, but approachable and friendly. 
  • More casual than formal. Conversational, but informative. 
  • Respectful of our visitors’ time and attention. Professional. 
  • Lightly enthusiastic, but not matter-of-fact. This is an attempt to convey the joy of sharing insights and information. Upbeat.

Dot Marketing

Similar to thought leadership content, Dot Foods’ marketing should provide added value, offering up insights and trends that are relevant to Dot customers in their business transactions. 

  • Mostly serious, but also approachable and friendly. Can have moments of humor.
  • More casual than formal. Conversational, but informative. 
  • Respectful of our visitors’ time and attention. 
  • Upbeat and lightly enthusiastic. Not too matter-of-fact. Conveys the joy and delight of sharing insights and information.
  • Content and imagery can be clever, creative, surprising, and delightful, so long as they are still polished, respectful, and professional.

Business Transactions

Dot Foods’ transactional tone is meant to help customers confirm various interactions, order status, billing, and assist with their accounts. 

  • More serious than funny, but approachable and friendly. 
  • Conversational, but informative. 
  • Respectful of our visitors’ time and attention. Professional. 
  • Matter-of-fact, not enthusiastic.
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